For 90mm Midi fan Evo edf and 8 cells 4500 (a FMS unit or equ will not work in rbckits edf jets)
The Jet Provost is very easy to fly and lands slow as a trainer
Design Features:
- All Formers And Ribs 211 cnccut parts in balsa and ply
- Unique Tab Lock Design
- Removable wings for easy transportation and Storage
- Wing Area: 40 dm2
- Wing Span; 1550 mm
- Length :1380mm
- Flight Weight: Starts at 4500 grams
- 6 Channel , Ailerons,elevator,Throttle,Retracts, flaps, nosewheel steering
Kit Includes:
- Instructions download here
- Full Size Rolled Cad Plans With All Parts Shown
- Vacuformed Canopy, inlet lip, Paper Exhaust ducting, Paper inlet ducting
- All wood and sheeting to make the Jet Provost
- There is no hardware in the Jet Provost
Required to Complete:
- Any 7 Channel Radio
- Light weight Receiver:
- Servos: About 13 grams metal gear ailerons needs stronger type 30gr
- Motor: Hetrc EDF650/68/1500 8s
- Wemotec Midi fan Evo 90mm
- Battery: 8S lipo 4500ma
- Thick and Thin CA glue, 3/3
- Small parts screws etc are not in kit:a list of parts is included
Now some building pictures:
Wing classic build wood ribs and formers sheeted

Build up tail feathers looks good.

Fuselage build in 2 halves and sheeted with 2mm balsa

Joined and ducts are made

Black parts are vacuumformings to make life easyer , clear canopy

Easy battery and fan acces .

All retract ready , no hardware a list is included, most builders have these items