Red Eagle Glider as in the RCM&E
Featured in the RCM&E magazine. Check the RCM&E forum build.
Red Eagle instructions save as and unzip with winrar no instruction cd in kit
Included in the kit is :
Kit includes:
- All cnc cut parts
- All stringers needed for the kit
- Brass/steel wing connection kit
- No Steering cables
- No Hinges, screws
- Sheet wood
- Drawing
- Wood pack
- Red Eagle is 2mtr wingspan
Required to complete:
Finish, controls & drive set, hardware
Short kit includes:
- All cnc cut parts
- Wood pack
In this picture you can see a comparison with the RES Eagle

The wood pack in balsa and ply includes:
- 3mm Ply sheet with ribs and formers
- 6 x 3mm sheet with ribs and formers
- 2 x 5mm sheet with tail parts
- 1 x 6mm sheet with cnccut trailing edge
- 1mm ply with wing fastening plates
- All precise cnc cut
The cnc cut parts